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- Contents

Chapter 1. Vision System Design

Chapter 2. Biological Eye Designs
A. Camera
B. Pinhole
C. Concave mirror
D. Apposition
E. Neural superposition
F. Refraction superposition
G. Reflection superposition
H. Parabolic superposition
I. Multiple sensor types 
and combinations of types

Chapter 3. Eye Design Illustrations

Chapter 4. Eye 

Chapter 5. Optical 
 Systems Design 

Chapter 6. The Eye Designer

Related Links

Appendix A - Slide Show & Conference Speech by Curt Deckert

Appendix B - Conference Speech by Curt Deckert

Appendix C - Comments From Our Readers

Appendix D - Panicked Evolutionists: The Stephen Meyer Controversy













Chapter 2
Sections D, E and F
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D. Apposition compound 
      The apposition compound eye design does not form a complete image in each facet. Each facet picks up part of the image. It is compound because there are many facets or separate sensor modules. It is one of the more common small eye designs. It occurs in insects such as ants, wasps, dragonflies, bees, and cockroaches. Each of many small facets or lenses of the eye are separate light sensors. The brain puts each image together  by processing the output of each sensor of each small lens facet. Each facet lens contains its own sensors to detect light from specific angles. For small eyes, this is an extremely complex approach. Each very small eye sensor facet or module has a lens and light pipe to gather each part of the total image. Signals from each facet of the image are then relayed to the brain.
     One advantage of this type of compound eye is the ability to detect movement within a partial scene while using less brain processing time than that required to process the full image. An advantage over camera and pinhole eyes is that they can cover very wide fields with less total volume, because of the shortening of the optical path of each facet. Parts of these eyes are similar to lens arrays and new camera sensors now being developed for small advanced cameras, but the integration of the apposition design is difficult. Figure 2.9 helps us to visualize how these eyes are designed. (P. 359, Physiology of Photoreceptor Organs, 1972, Ed. by M. G. F. Fuorki, Pub. by Springer-Verlag) 
(Figure 2.9a: For reference see Fig 7.3, p. 128, Animal Eyes, Michael F. Land, Dan-Eric Nilsson, Oxford Animal Biology series, Oxford University Press, 2002)
fig2-09TN.gif and fig2-09.gif Apposition Compound Eye Design 300x588
Figure 2.9 Apposition 
Compound Eye Design.
fig2-09aTN.jpg and fig2-09.gif Apposition Eye Construction 116x200
Figure 2.9a Apposition
Eye Construction.
fig2-09bTN.jpg Apposition Compound Eye Design 204x200
Fig 2.9b Diffraction,
Resolution, & Eye Size
(Reference: Figure 7.6, p. 134, Animal Eyes, Michael F. Land, Dan-Eric Nilsson)

fig2-09cTN.jpg Apposition Compound Eye Design 200x153
Figure 2.9c Equivalent 
Compound Eye Applied
To Human Resolution.
(Reference: Figure 7.7, p. 136, Animal Eyes, Michael F. Land, Dan-Eric Nilsson)

fig2-09eTN.jpg Apposition Compound Eye Design 109x200
Figure 2.9e Light Adaptation
Of Compound Eye.

(Reference: Figure 7.9, p. 139, Animal Eyes, Michael F. Land, Dan-Eric Nilsson, Oxford Animal Biology series, Oxford University Press, 2002- Please see their book for more details )
      An example of limitations on each element of a compound eye is shown by the above Figure 2.9b Diffraction, Resolution, & Eye Size
      If we take the technology of a compound eye, appearing on many insects, and applied it to the requirement for human eyesight we would get an eye that is extremely large. Then if we allow the resolution to fall off with angle the eye is still so large that it would dominate the human head.This is shown on the above Figure 2.9c Equivalent Compound Eye Applied To Human Resolution
      Compound eyes have unique ways of adapting to changing light. Many of these are quite diverse and indicate very sophisticated design at the micron levels. The above Figure 2.9e Light Adaptation Of Compound Eye illustrates several ways that compound eyes adapt to light.
       Some crabs use this design along with some other optical designs such as distributed eyes. Compound apposition eyes of insects and sea animals contain sensors within each facet. Each sensor contains a crystalline lens and a small gradient index light pipe. The following are examples of several creatures having compound eyes. The facets making up each creature's eyes are shown for comparison with respect to the role of each in creating a complete image. 
Creature Number of 
Eye Facets
Role Requirements for Vision
wood lice
small flies
simple  2-dimension movement
complex  3-dimension movement
complex  2-dimension movement
complex  3-dimension movement

     Since the lens and light pipe of each facet is very small, light may form interference patterns in these narrow light guides. Some eyes even take advantage of wave patterns within facets to get more efficiency. This means that small eye facets have to be reproduced with very close tolerances for clear vision to occur. An illustration of a dragonfly having apposition compound eyes is shown in Figure 2.10. (P. 17 left top, Megabugs, The Natural History Museum book of insects, Barnes & Noble, N.Y., Miranda MacQuitty with Laurence Mound)  fig2-10TN.jpg Example of Apposition Compound Eyes 200x193
Figure 2.10. Example of 
Apposition Compound Eyes
E. Apposition-Neural Superposition compound
     The neural or brain superposition eye has a number of small lenses arranged in a compact pattern. Each lens collects light from only a small part of the total field of view. Using the neural superposition approach, the brain puts all the small images together from the individual sensor outputs of a large number of small eye facets. Each facet contains very small light guides and sensors. Each of these facets or sets of sensors has its own  optics and unique angular optical axis to pick up part of a scene, but multiple facet light inputs are combined for each segment of the image. Each segment or pixel of a scene is visualized by a series of different sensors contained in multiple facets. Output signals from combined facets can provide more sensitivity for better vision at low light levels. Typically, small flies will have this type of optical design. Where size is critical and wide-angle fields of view are required, this design is more suitable than camera eyes for small low-resolution applications. Figure 2.11 illustrates the slightly different optical design of the neural superposition eye. Image processing would need to be unique for this type of eye. Image processing is complex for any eye, but here it is even more amazing when you consider the small brain size of flies having this type of optical design. (p. 303, Fig. 3b, Vision Optics & Evolution by Dan E. Nilsson, Biosciences, Vol. 39, No. 5, May 1989) 
     This optical design requires considerable parallel processing of visual data to provide image recognition with quick response. These eyes can operate at lower light levels when they can use the combined output from multiple facets for each point of an image to achieve greater sensitivity. (An example of an application of the neural superposition eye is shown in Figure 2.12 taken from Fig. 44, P.495, Chapter 8 PhotoChemistry of Vision, Ed. by Herbert J. A. Dastnall, Springer-Verlag, N.Y. 1972. Figure 3.12b courtesy of www.pbrc.hawaii.edu/bemf (c)MicroAngela
fig2-11TN.jpg Neural Superposition Eye 175x235
Figure 2.11 Neural 
Superposition Eye.
(Like Fig. 6-5)
fig2-12TN.jpg Neural Superposition Eye 175x186
Figure 2.12a Apposition 
Neural Superposition 
Simplified Small Fly Eye 
fig2-12bTN.jpg Neural Superposition Eye 175x197
Figure 2.12b Compund 
Insect Eye 

F. Refraction superposition compound
     Like the previous design, this optical design would also be difficult to adapt from other eye designs. These eyes occur in moths, some flies, many beetles, and some shrimp. This optical design may be a more difficult eye to integrate, but it does give considerable design flexibility for small insect vision. It is a design where an array of clear refractive (or transmitting) crystalline cones work together as telescopic optics to produce a reversed image on a very small retina. 
fig2-13TN.jpg Refraction Superposition eye design 157x200
Figure 2.13 Refraction 
Superposition Eye
fig2-13aTN.jpg Refraction Superposition eye design 105x200
Figure 2.13a Reflective  
Superposition  (See Figure 8.14, p. 173, Animal Eyes.)
fig2-13bTN.jpg Reflective & Refractive Superposition eye design 103x200
Figure 2.13b Reflective & Refractive Superposition  (See Figure 8.14, p. 173, Animal Eyes.)
(Figure 2.13 illustrates the refraction superposition optics techniques is from p. 303, Fig. 3c, Vision Optics & Evolution by Dan E. Nilsson, Biosciences, Vol. 39, No. 5, May 1989. For more details on figures 2.13a and 2.13b Refer to Animal Eyes, Michael F. Land, Dan-Eric Nilsson, Oxford Animal Biology series, Oxford University Press, 2002)
     The intricate detail of reflective superposition eyes is shown on the above Figure 2.13a Reflective Superposition Example. Current MEMS technology can allow some fabrication of similar structures and optics, but the processing features indicate software intelligence that is very significant for the size of the brain interpreting the input from the eyes.
     Two different approaches to Superposition Eyes are shown in the above Figure 2.13b Reflective And Refractive Superposition.
     The refraction superposition compound optical design is similar to gradient index lens arrays, which are currently used to replace conventional lenses where optical distances are very short and where broad field coverage is needed. Gradient index lenses can greatly reduce the optical path of an optical system where an upright image is required. Like very small arrays of lenses, gradient index material allows imaging over short distances. Here facets may not require precise spherical surfaces. Images are corrected by light being bent by very repeatable radial variations in the refractive index of the light guide material within each facet. These arrays of gradient index facets refract light much like an array of small lenses. 
     Gradient index material occurs in many natural eyes. Control of repeatable radial material variations at the cell level is required to make functional imaging systems. There is very little probability of gradient index cell arrangements occurring randomly in eye facets without considerable intelligent control. Each facet forms the equivalent of a small Kepler telescope that contains the equivalent of two lenses to make the image upright. Figure 2.14 shows several examples of refracted super position. (Fig.2.14 is from P. 97 left top, Megabugs, The Natural History Museum book of insects, Barnes & Noble, N.Y., Miranda MacQuitty with Laurence Mound. Fig. 2.15a is from Fig. 12, P.459, Chapter 8 PhotoChemistry of Vision, Ed. by Herbert J. A. Dastnall, Springer-Verlag, N.Y. 1972)
fig2-15bTN.jpg Example of Refracted Superposition Moth Eye with a large number of facets 119x200
Figure 2.15b Representative Superposition Eye Section
(For details see Figure 8.1, p. 156, Animal Eyes,
fig2-15cTN.jpg Example of Refracted Superposition Moth Eye with a large number of facets 131x200
Figure 2.15c Superposition Eye Dark Adaptation Methodology
(For details see Figure 8.9, p. 165, Animal Eyes).
fig2-14TN.jpg Example of Refracted Superposition Moth Eye with a large number of facets 400x240
Figure 2.14 Refracted
Superposition Moth 
Eye with a large number of 
facets (Like Fig. 3-21)

fig2-15TN.gif Detail of Moth Eye Facets 300x619

Figure 2.15a Detail of Moth 
Eye Facets
     The above Figure 2.15b shows a section of a superposition eye. It indicates very complex approach that some optical designers have tried to emulate. There are many applications for optical systems of this type, if they could be replicated economically. Such an optical system can be built in a very small volume. This type of eye allows small insects and some larger animals to have a wide field of view.
The above Figure 2.15c illustrates how the superposition eye adapts to various levels of light.
(Reference: Animal Eyes, Michael F. Land, Dan-Eric Nilsson, Oxford Animal Biology series, Oxford University Press, 2002- Please see their book for more details )

Questions for Discussion

     Do you wonder, like I do, what has controlled the design of eyes



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Appendix C - Comments From Our Readers
Appendix D - Panicked Evolutionists: The Stephen Meyer Controversy
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